Heaney, Mary Ann ‘Nan’ (Nee Ferris).
We the family of the late Nan Heaney would like to thank all those who sympathised, prayed for and supported us in so many ways through our recent bereavement.
Our thanks to Canon Stevenson PP.VF for the filling and special Requiem Mass. To Mark Magee and Jonny Toman for the beautiful singing and music, with thanks also to Fr Joseph Wozniak S.Chr for looking after Nan’s Spiritual needs in recent years.
Thank-you also to Jack and Margaret McLearnon and their team for the dignified and professional manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out. Thanks also to Mickey and Colleen Breen at Lurgan Golf Club for providing much needed refreshments after the funeral.
A very special thanks to all those who cared for Nan in her final few years. The staff in Oakleigh Fold Lurgan, Annes Home Care, Rosemount Care Home Portadown and especially all staff in Craigavon Area Hospital, in A&E, 1 East and Ramone 3 the care recieved from all was exceptional particularly in Ramone 3 where Nan spent her final weeks.
As it is impossible to thank everyone in person we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our appreciation.
Nan’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday August 2, at 7.00pm in St Peter’s Church Lurgan.