Mone, Malachy. Wife Antoinette, daughter Sara and son Colm, would like to express our heartfelt thanks and sincere appreciation to all our family and friends who sympathised and supported us through our recent bereavement.
Thank you to everyone who sent Mass and sympathy cards, messages of support, letters, flowers, and to his many friends in the farming and cattle dealing community who turned out in great numbers on the morning of the funeral to honour one of their own and to everyone who stood along the route as Malachy’s cortege passed.
Sincere thanks to Fr Aidan McCann for celebrating Malachy’s Funeral Mass and for his kindness and support. Our deepest appreciation to Fr Greg Carville for calling to the house and to Fr John McKeever (PP) for his spiritual and supportive phone calls during this sad time. Thank you to Jenny McKee (nee Gribben) for the beautiful music, sacristan and the gravedigger.
Thank you to Bridget Mone of Mone Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which Malachy’s funeral was carried out.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our heartfelt appreciation.
Malachy’s month memory mass will be held on Monday the 19th April at 7:30pm in St Patrick’s Church Keady and may also be viewed HERE