Gallagher, Kieran R.I.P. June 1, 2023. Sharon and the family circle wish to thank all those who sympathised with us following Kieran’s sudden death.
We offer heartful thanks to friends, neighbours and family who visited my home, sent sympathy/mass cards, letters, telephoned, sent texts, attended the funeral or helped in any way. We are truly grateful.
A special word of appreciation to Nick, Suzanne and the girls from work.
Thanks also to Stephen Fitzpatrick Funeral Director for his Professional, Dignified and Support handling the arrangements, to Joan Lewis – Humanist for conducting the service of thanksgiving and to The Belmont Hotel for providing refreshments after the funeral.
Please accept this acknowledgement as a expression of our gratitude.
Banbridge, Rostrevor and Newtownabbey.
Contact us via email marketing@ and our dedicated team can help you choose a fitting tribute.
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