The wife, son and family circle of the late John Presha wish to express their heartfelt thanks to all the kind relatives, friends and neighbours who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement.
A special thanks to the Rev. Brian Moodie for his prayers and visits to John, to the Rev Colin Campbell for his prayers and kind words of comfort at the Funeral Service and to the organist Mr Tom Haire.
Our grateful thanks to all the Staff of Mountvale Private Nursing Home Dromore for all their care and attention.
Our sincere thanks to the Ladies of First Presbyterian (Non-Subscribing) Church Dromore for serving the refreshments following the Funeral Service.
To all who called at the home, telephoned, brought gifts, sent letters or cards of sympathy and donations in lieu of flowers, attended the funeral or helped in any way.
Also to John Gamble Funeral Directors Dromore for the professional and dignified manner in which they carried out the Funeral arrangements.
Trusting this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation.
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