Murtagh, John, Co. Tyrone, Eglish. The family of the late John Murtagh, wish to express our sincere thanks to everyone who sympathised with us during our recent bereavement. To those who paid their respects, watched the mass via webcam, sent mass cards, sympathy cards, phone calls, messages, flowers and food – these were a great comfort to us at a difficult time.
We were especially touched by the kindness of our own family circle, our neighbours and friends, to those who travelled a great distance to attend the funeral, lined the funeral route, participated in the mass – in particular, the truly beautiful music, and assisted with bearing John to his final resting place. Thanks to Eglish St Patrick’s Club, committee, footballers & camogs for the tribute given to John.
We are eternally grateful to the Domiciliary Care Team, who faithfully looked after John, with kindness and a smile. We also thank the district nurses, doctors & team at Campbell’s surgery, along with the staff of Medicare Pharmacy.
We offer heartfelt thanks to Fr J Heagney, Canon B Fee, Patrick Quinn & Son, the sacristan and grave digger for their respectful professionalism and guidance given.
Words cannot express the thanks we offer to Eglish GFC for the facilities and amenities they provided, the McCormick family for the marquee, to the local businesses & neighbours who provided food and to all those who generously gave their time during the wake, funeral and repast.
John’s month mind mass will be held on Friday February 25, at 7.30pm in St Patrick’s Church, Eglish and can be viewed on the parish webcam.
“May he rest in peace”.
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Remember a loved one with a sympathy or memoriam notice on Armagh I.
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