Rice, Fr Seamus.
The family of Fr Seamus Rice wish to express their gratitude to all those who sympathised with them on their sad bereavement.
To all those who attended the removal to St Patrick’s Church Ballymacnab on Sunday afternoon and to the funeral. Thanks to all who give mass cards, telephoned,messaged or posted online their condolences we assure you these were greatly appreciated.
We thank Elaine McQuigan for her attentive care of Fr Seamus throughout the years and to the Sisters of St Clares convent Newry for their unfailing support to him and for their own participation in the funeral mass.Massive thanks to the very many priests and religious who attended the funeral and especially to Monsignor Colum Curry who celebrated the funeral mass and to Rev Fr Greg Carvill and Rev Fr Sean Moore who concelebrated.
Finally to Mone Funeral Directors for the complete and professional handling of all the funeral arrangements and to Armagh City Hotel for the post burial refreshments.
Fr Seamus’ month mind mass will be held in St Malachy’s Church Armagh on Wednesday July 24, 7:30pm.