Maxwell, Edith (Aughnacloy). The family of the late Edith Maxwell wish to express our sincere thanks to everyone who supported us during our sad loss. Many thanks to all our friends and neighbours who attended the wake, funeral, sent sympathy cards, telephoned or sent text messages.
A very special thanks to the management and the wonderful staff of Copperfields Nursing Home for their dedicated care to Mum over the past seven years. Also the doctors and staff of Aughnacloy Health Centre to Keith and staff of McKevers Pharmacy.
Thanks also to Pastor John Bernie, Pastor David Kimber and to Robert Little (Faith Mission) for conducting the funeral service, committal and for pastoral visits.
Also thanks the Cherie Sloan (organist), Jacklyn and Sharon Orr (Sound Recording & Video) and to Vera Kimmons for providing a beautiful tea after the service, and to the gravedigger.
Finally we want to thank F. Martin & Sons for their support and the dignified manner in which the funeral was carried out.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually please accept this acknowledgement as a sincere token of our appreciation.
Cherish, Malcolm and Fred
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