The wife and family of the late David Cassells wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement. We were encouraged through all the messages of sympathy and prayerful support sent via cards, text messages, telephone calls and through social media.
Grateful appreciation to family, friends and neighbours who brought or sent food or helped in any way, your kindness meant so much to us.
Sincere appreciation to everyone who kindly donated in lieu of flowers to the FPC Mission Board.
Thanks to all who attended the wake and funeral service. We were encouraged by the large number who came and gained strength and comfort from the many fond memories shared with us.
A special thanks to Rev David McMillan for conducting the funeral services in the home, church and graveside. We were encouraged by his messages of comfort. We also appreciated the participation of Rev J Gray, Rev G Middleton and Rev J Armstrong, in the funeral service and thank them for their presence, as well as their pastoral care for David and family throughout his illness. Their ongoing prayerful support for the family has been very much valued. Thanks also to the organist, Mrs Roberta McMillan for her contribution in providing the music.
Grateful thanks to the Doctors, Nurses and Admin Staff of Willowbank Surgery Keady, especially Dr E Fearon and Dr K Murray, and Armagh District Nursing Team for their dedicated care and compassion shown towards David during his illness.
We wish also to express most sincerely, our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the Acute Care at Home Team. We will be forever grateful for the exceptional care and unwavering support and compassion shown to David and the family at a very difficult time. Their daily attendance in our home was of tremendous comfort and reassurance to us.
We appreciated the care and support of the medical and nursing teams in the Emergency Department of Craigavon Area Hospital as well as the Macmillan Specialist Nurses, Laura and Megan and thank them for all their input and advice as they ensured David’s needs were met.
Thanks also to the ladies who served refreshments during the wake in the Church Hall. Your kindness and thoughtfulness was very much appreciated by the family. We thank Adrian for his help in the practical arrangements for the wake and funeral service in the
We would like to thank Cordelia’s for their exceptional kindness in calling up after the wake with food for the family, this was really appreciated by all.
To ‘Simply Good Catering’, a heartfelt thanks for the beautiful refreshments provided following the service.
We would also like to extend our thanks and appreciation to the PSNI who provided assistance in traffic control and ensuring safety of the mourners following the service at the home.
To K G Cheevers & Son – Andrew, on behalf of the family, we thank you sincerely for the caring, dignified and professional manner in which you carried out all the funeral arrangements. We appreciated the guidance and sympathetic approach shown to us at
such a very difficult time for the family.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all, as a token of our sincere appreciation.
The Cassells family