Morgan, Damien. Drumiller Road, Lurganare.
Damien’s parents Patrick and Majella, brothers Patrick and Ronán, sister Carmel and extended family would like to express their sincere thanks to all our relatives, friends and neighbours for all the cards and messages of sympathy following the sad loss of Damien.
To all who called at the family home, brought food, attended Damien’s funeral and donated to Marie Curie and Macmillan Cancer Support we are extremely grateful.
Sincere thanks to MacMillan Nurses Beth and Martina, the District Nursing Palliative Care Team Johanna, Judith, Millie and Sarah, Twilight and Marie Curie nurses; without your help we could not have continued Damien’s care at home – we are so grateful for all your support.
A special word of thanks to Fr John Brown SMA for his continuing support and for a beautiful Requiem Mass. Thanks to McGennity’s Funeral Directors for the professional and dignified manner with which they carried out our funeral arrangements.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere gratitude.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has been offered up for all your intentions. Damien’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday August 28, at 7 o’clock in St Mary’s Church, Barr.
“It is not the length of life, but the depth of life.” …