Damien’s wife Mary, Daughters Catherine and Bernadette (B), son Patrick and the entire family circle wish to thank all those who sympathised with them during their recent bereavement.
To all our family, friends, and kind neighbours whose help and support was overwhelming during Damien’s wake and funeral.
Thank you to the many people who attended the wake and funeral, brought Mass and Sympathy cards, telephoned messaged or posted their expression of sympathy online. These were all greatly appreciated and brought us much comfort.
Thanks also to the many individuals and businesses who brought gifts of food to the house. We especially thank all those who made and served tea and helped in many other ways.
A special word of thanks to the Medical Team at Craigavon Area Hospital who cared for Damien and supported us as a family, in particular Nurse Chloe and Dr Cathy.
Gratitude to Fr Peter McAnenly for his Pastoral Care at this difficult time and for celebrating a beautiful Mass, a special word of thanks to Cardinal Sean Brady for his support for our family.
Thanks also to the sacristans for preparing the Church and Cathy Kelly for the beautiful music which brought us great solace..
We would also like to make reference to other people whose support was much appreciated, firstly, all the people that Damien worked with for over 50 years in the building trade. We also thank Paula Jordan and her team in Orange Box for the beautiful post burial refreshments and to Tullysaran Parish for the use of the hall, a special word of thanks to Aine Pearson and her team of little helpers and To the Staff and pupils of St. Catherine’s College
We thank Kevin McBride for the beautiful array of piped music played for Damien’s removal from his family home.
Finally, to Martin Kelly and Malachy Toal from Martin Kelly Funeral Directors for their professional, sensitive, and dignified handling of all the funeral arrangements.
At the risk of failing to mention someone we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a sincere token of our appreciation.
Damien’s month’s mind mass will be held in The Church of the Immaculate Conception Tullysaran on Saturday the July 29 at 7.30pm.
Contact us via email marketing@ and our dedicated team can help you choose a fitting tribute.