The family of the late Conor Lennon, his parents Tony and Paula, daughter Georgia, sisters Megan and Sian and girlfriend Siofra would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to our family, friends, neighbours and wider community for the love and support shown to us during this sad and difficult time.
We are unable to put into words how grateful we are for The Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust. This is an amazing charity and one that will forever remain close to our hearts. Thank you for bringing Conor back home to us.
We extend our thanks to Canon Michael Toner for the celebration of Conor’s funeral mass and his much appreciated help during this difficult time. Thanks to Dearbhla and Joanna for the beautiful music and Paul Hughes for recording the funeral for those afar who could not make it in person.
We would like to thank Bridget Mone and staff of Mone’s Funeral directors for their caring and understanding approach to both Conor’s wake and funeral.
Sincere thanks for all the numerous acts of kindness, for all the donations, messages, cards, flowers thoughts and prayers. These comforted the family during their time in need.
To all those who kindly provided food to our family, we will never forget your care and generosity. A special thanks to Park Catering for food after the funeral.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deep appreciation to all those who helped and supported us in anyway.
Conor’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday July 23, at 7pm at St Michaels Church, Newtownhamilton.