The family of the late Christopher Maguire RIP wish to express sincere thanks to all those who sympathised and supported us in our recent bereavement.
Heartfelt thanks to all those who helped us as a family, attended the funeral, sent mass cards, sympathy cards and gave donations to the Belfast City Hospital Renal Unit in lieu of flowers.
A special thanks to Father Declan Mulligan PP for his spiritual support, Father Canon McBride and Father Desmond Loughran for their prayers, support, and requiem mass. Thank you to Niamh Murray for the beautiful singing throughout the service.
Sincere thanks to Jack McLearnon and Son funeral directors for their professional and dignified manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.
To the staff at Island Salads, Clan na Geal CLG and St Mary’s GAC Aghagallon for their continued support, for a Guard of honour from the Camogie team.
We are very grateful for the staff on Ward 11 North and the Renal Unit in Belfast City Hospital, to all Christopher’s care givers over the years, also to the district nurses and Marie Curie who supported us as a family in Christopher’s final weeks at home.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as an expression of our deep appreciation to all those who helped and supported us in anyway.
Christopher’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday July 21, at 10.00am in St Patrick’s Church Aghagallon, with refreshments afterwards in the family home.