The family of the late Cecilia Connolly would like to acknowledge and express sincere appreciation to family, friends, neighbours and all those who sympathised, offered help and support during their recent bereavement.
They extend their heartfelt thanks to Father Joseph Wozniak for eloquent celebration of the Requiem Mass, and to Niamh Murray for her beautiful singing and music.
Special recognition is also extended to the staff at the Royal Victoria Hospital, including those in The Norman C. Hughes Regional Burns Unit, for all their support and exceptional care they give Cecilia and her family.
Our sincere thanks to McAlinden and Murtagh Funeral Directors for their exceptional professionalism, guidance, and unwavering support in facilitating the funeral arrangements.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as an expression of our sincere appreciation and gratitude.
“St. Cecilia pray for her.”
Cecilia’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday July 14, in St. Paul’s Church, Lurgan at 10.30am.