The Family of the late Cecil McCutcheon wish to express their sincere thanks to Dr McGivern from Dromara Group Surgery who went above and beyond with her care and attention to Cecil and also Dr McGorian for her duties.
Thanks also to Christina King and her wonderful team, to Dromore District Nurses, Macmillan Nurses, Respiratory Nurse, Acute Care at Home Team, Twilight Nurses and a big thanks to Marie Curie for the night sits and support they gave to Mum and us as a Family.
Thanks to Belfast Cancer Centre for their support, Also Rev. Rodney Magennis and Rev. Ian Linton for their words of comfort, prayers and pastoral care. Thanks also to Mrs Oleen Hanna the organist, and to the I.T Technician for recording the service.
To Robert J. Bready & Sons, Funeral Directors for the caring and dignified manner in which they carried out their duties and our wishes.
Thanks to all who sent cards, called at the home, telephoned, helped with refreshments and who sent donations for Marie Curie.
Trusting this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere appreciation.
Myrtle, Elaine, Michelle and Karen, Katesbridge Road, Banbridge.
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