The Family of the late Annie Cassidy RIP. Want to thank all those who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement.
Thanks to all who sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, made donations, called at the house and attended the funeral Mass. thanks to Father Wright for the lovely Requiem Mass and also to Father Kingsley, to Niamh Murray for the beautiful singing.
Special thanks to Aughnacloy Care Home, and all the staff who cared for Annie so well in the 4 years she was there, Thanks to Golden Crust Bakery and Cooking Nook for their generous donations of food, also all the staff of the Foresters who looked after us so well. Thanks to Jack and Margaret McLearnon for their dignified and professional manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.
We trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation.
Annie’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday July 24, at 10.00am in St Paul’s Church Lurgan.