Scott, Alexander. (Moygashel). The Family of the late Alexander (Sandy) Scott, wish to thank most sincerely, all the Neighbours and Friends who took the time to call, telephone and send messages.
They also wish to thank the Staff at Craigavon Area Hospital, Paramedics, Royal Victoria Hospital, Community Respiratory Team Armagh and Dungannon, and the Doctors and Nurses at Mid Ulster Health Care for looking after Sandy for the past few years.
We also wish to thank Rev. Matthew Topley, the Organist, and the Ladies of St. Elizabeth’s; the Royal British Legion and the PSNI.
Thanks, must also go to Dereck Marshall & Sons Funeral Directors for the dignified way in which they managed all the funeral details.
The Family are also very grateful to those who donated to NI Children’s Hospice.
“Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure, you are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure”.
“Forever in our hearts”
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