Sainsbury’s staff in Armagh, Craigavon and Newry are at risk of losing their job according to trade union Unite.
The say around 130 jobs across the Sainsbury’s stores in Northern Ireland could go as the company plan on restructuring in the coming months.
There are 13 stores across the north, with one on the Mall shopping centre in Armagh, another in Rushmere, Craigavon and the Newry branch located in the Quays shopping centre. There is also one nearby in Dungannon.
In a statement issued on Tuesday, Simon Roberts, retail and operations director of Sainsbury’s, said: “We’re proposing a store management structure that will deliver best in class leadership and, in many cases, will offer an improved reward package for new management roles.
“The proposals will introduce a more efficient and effective structure, designed to meet the challenges of today’s retail environment,” he added.
“Our intention is not to reduce overall headcount as a result of these proposals.
“I appreciate this will be a difficult time for those affected and we will fully support our people through these changes.”
Taryn Trainor, from trade union Unite, raised concerns over the company’s restructuring plans.
“The positions of store supervisor, team leader and deputy manager are set to disappear across the UK on June 11th as part of restructuring plans announced by Sainsbury’s management.
“On the basis of figures, we have been able to compile in relation to individual sites, we estimate that approximately 130 positions are likely to go as a result of this proposal in Northern Ireland.”
“We will be engaging with management to ensure that anyone affected by these changes is found appropriate employment elsewhere within the company,” she added.