Just under 60 percent of the population of Armagh is of working age, with around 20 percent already enjoying retirement. It’s those in the former demographic who need to think about their futures after they hit the tender age of 66. The UK government has recently introduced a scheme that could be highly beneficial for people who plan ahead.
There’s a brief window for people to backpay National Insurance contributions all the way to 2006-07. Experts highly advise taking advantage of this, and it’s something that Armagh residents should spread the word about – especially to people who may have worked abroad or earned low wages in the past.
What Do You Need to Know About the NI Contributions?
Everyone in employment in Armagh has to pay National Insurance contributions each month, and these go towards providing you with a monthly pension when you retire. What you might not know, though, is that some people will have access to a greater amount of money than others when they hang up their working boots. That’s because they’ve paid more into the pot and maximised their contributions every year.
You can check the government website to see how much you have paid and how much you are eligible to receive. You may notice that there are certain years in which you haven’t paid the full amount possible. Usually, you can look back six years and voluntarily boost your contributions. At the moment, though, the government is letting people go back ten years more than that. That means that if you haven’t put in the full amount in those years, you can go back and do it now. This is arguably the greatest value for money you can get on savings with no risk, and everyone should capitalise.
What Other Ways Are There to Plan for the Future?
Aside from making National Insurance payments towards the state pension, it’s prudent for Armagh residents to think about taking out private pensions as well. This is another way of saving and ensuring that you have a nest egg for when you retire. With discussion about the age of retirement potentially rising in the future, it’s more important than ever to have your own funds available without relying on government payouts.
There are various pension providers in the UK for people to choose from, and it’s important to do a lot of research before selecting one. There are experts that can give advice to help people, as there are numerous aspects to consider. It’s hard to declare who the best pension provider in the UK is, but there are a few candidates. These include the likes of PensionBee, AJ Bell, and Penfold. Some are rated for their ease of use, while others are better for small pension pots.
Having a private pension puts you in control of your own finances, meaning that you can tailor your plan to your own individual needs. On top of that, you can get tax relief when you open one.
Take Advantage of Topping Up While You Can
There has been a surge in the number of people topping up their National Insurance contributions over the last few months, and the government has extended the deadline to give more people a chance. Armagh residents should jump on this and let others know about the incredible news.