Patients seeking treatment abroad can now access innovative stem cell treatment for optic atrophy. Stem cells have demonstrated a remarkable ability to repair damaged organs and tissues by stimulating their regeneration. Through this advanced therapy, patients can achieve sustainable improvements in their vision. While cellular therapy is not yet a widely accepted method for treating optic nerve damage, not every clinic offers this procedure. Booking Health service can help you find a suitable medical center abroad. The platform features the world’s leading ophthalmological clinics, some of which utilize cellular therapy.
Understanding Optic Atrophy and Its Treatment
Optic atrophy involves damage (neurodegeneration) to the optic nerve that transmits visual signals from the eye to the brain. This damage results in visual impairment, and its restoration presents a significant challenge. Without timely intervention, the condition can lead to progressive deterioration of visual function, making early diagnosis and treatment crucial.
Traditional treatment typically involves medications for neuroprotection, reducing inflammation, and improving microcirculation. When possible, the underlying cause of nerve damage is addressed. Some patients benefit from physiotherapy and surgical interventions.
The Role of Stem Cells
The primary goal of using stem cells is to initiate nerve regeneration, improve its nourishment, and reduce damage.
Stem cells can integrate into damaged areas, maturing into specialized cells. They also release numerous growth factors – signaling molecules capable of triggering cell division, promoting new blood vessel formation, improving tissue blood supply, and accelerating regeneration.
Stem Cell Treatment Protocol for ONA
While there is no standardized protocol for treating optic atrophy with stem cells, as this remains an experimental technique, the treatment consists of three essential stages:
- Cell collection
- Cell preparation
- Cell administration
Possible sources for stem cells include:
- Peripheral blood
- Adipose tissue
- Bone marrow
- Neural stem cells (in rare cases)
Most commonly, stem cells are harvested from blood, as it contains a significant number of stem cells and the collection process is minimally invasive, requiring no anesthesia. The patient’s blood is processed through a specialized device that isolates stem cells while returning the remaining blood to the circulation.
The collected stem cells can be administered fresh, immediately after harvesting. However, typically more cells are collected than needed for a single injection. The remaining cells are cryopreserved for future use in repeated treatments.
The cells can be administered into various eye compartments, with less frequent use of intravenous administration. Research shows superior results when stem cells are injected directly in the optic nerve region.
Treatment Outcomes
Patients undergoing this treatment not only experience a slowdown in further vision deterioration but often show improved visual acuity. There have been documented cases of significant improvement even after extended periods of blindness.
Potential benefits of stem cell application include:
- Partial restoration of the optic nerve
- Enhanced visual acuity
- Expanded visual fields
- Improved color perception
For sustained recovery, it’s essential to combine stem cell therapy with other treatment options for nerve damage. Additionally, addressing the underlying causes of optic atrophy when possible is crucial to maintain the results of cellular therapy.
Stem cell therapy for optic atrophy can be repeated periodically to maintain and enhance achieved results. Selecting a reputable clinic for this procedure is crucial. To find a medical center, you can utilize the Booking Health service. They feature leading global hospitals that employ innovative technologies, including regenerative medicine. Submit an inquiry through their website, and they will help you select a clinic with extensive and successful experience in treating optic nerve damage using stem cells. They will schedule your appointment for convenient dates and arrange your medical journey.