Heslip, 5th September 2020 (peacefully) in Craigavon Area Hospital. Ivy (in her 94th year). Dearly loved Wife of the late Isaac Miles Heslip “Tullyhenan House” 40 Halfway Road Banbridge & dear Mother of Mark, Roger, Alan & Beryl. Mother-In-Law of Elizabeth, Heather, Lorraine & Glen, Loving Nanny & Great Nanny.
House & Funeral private (by her own request).
No flowers please. Donations in lieu may be sent if desired to William Bell & Co, 23 Kenlis Street Banbridge BT32 3LR for Cancer Research N.I.
Very deeply by her sorrowing Sons, Daughter, Daughters-In-Law, Son-In-Law, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren, Brother Eric Minnis (Scarva), Sister Noreen Martin (Canada) & all the family circle.