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The death has occurred of Gerard Shevlin (Newry)

Shevlin, (Newry) February 4, 2025. Gerard, devoted father of Conor, Eamon, Gerard Og and Orlagh, loving son of Christina and the late Bobby R.I.P. and treasured bother of Elizabeth, Roberta and Christine.

His remains will repose at his mother’s residence 25 Fifth Avenue, Derrybeg, Newry today (Thursday) from 7pm. Removal on Saturday at 9.20am for 10am Requiem Mass in St Brigid’s Church, The Meadow. Burial afterwards in Monks Hill cemetery.

Deeply regretted and sadly missed by his sons, daughter, mother, sisters, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, entire family circle and his many friends.

“Our Lady Queen of The Most Holy Rosary pray for him.”

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