Beattie, (nee McBirney) (Keady, Co Armagh), peacefully, 20th October 2020. Eileen RIP, beloved wife of the late Dermot RIP and loving daughter of the late John and Mary Ellen RIP. Dear mother of John and Louise.
Please note that in an effort to follow government guidelines and with the support and agreement of the family, Eileen’s funeral will take place privately for family only. Removal from her late residence 64 Derrynoose Road, Keady on Thursday morning at 10:30 arriving at St Patrick’s Church Keady for Requiem Mass at 11:00am followed by burial in adjoining cemetery.
Anyone wishing to pay their respects may do so as the cortege passes along route on the morning of the funeral whilst observing social distancing guidelines. Mourners can also access the mass on the church webcam.
“Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on her soul”.
Deeply regretted and sadly missed by her son, daughter, son-in-law Philip, grandchildren Ardán, Aogán and Dáithí, sister Kathleen, brother Sean and the late Gratton, Aidan and Pearce RIP and entire family circle.
Further enquires to:
Damien Smith Undertaker
Creevy Otra Road
BT60 3JP