O’Neill. The family of the late Ronan O’Neill Lurgan R.I.P. Wish to extend our thanks to everyone who sympathised with us in our recent bereavement. We thank our relatives, neighbours and friends who supported us at this sad time.
Thanks to the medical staff at Royal Victoria and Craigavon Area Hospitals.
We thank also those who visited the house, sent Mass Cards and Sympathy Cards, lined the funeral cortege route and joined us in the church via the internet.
Special thanks to Fr Conor and all who contributed to the Requiem Mass at St Paul’s including Chris with is beautiful music.
The family wish to thank Jack and Margaret McLearnon funeral directors for the dignified and professional arrangements.
We hope this acknowledgement will be accepted by all.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Ronan’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Thursday November 26th at 7 00pm in St Paul’s Church Lurgan.