A £120,000 carriageway resurfacing scheme on the Cottage Road, Killeen will commence on Monday, November 11.
The resurfacing work will extend for the entire length of Cottage Road, a distance of approximately 1,300 metres, from Clontigora Road to Ferryhill Road.
The scheme will deliver significant improvements to both the structural integrity and surface of the road.
Due to the nature of the scheme it will be necessary to operate a daily weekday road closure (Mon – Fri) between the hours of 8am and 6pm from Monday 11 November until Friday 20 December.
During these times a diversion will be in place via Clontigora Road – Dublin Road – Edentober Road – Ferryhill Road and vice versa.
The road will be open to traffic in the evenings during the week and all day Saturday and Sunday.
In order to help ensure the safety of road users and road workers the public is asked to comply with all temporary traffic restrictions and to drive with care when travelling through, or in the vicinity, of the works.
The Department has programmed the work and traffic management arrangements to minimise any inconvenience, however, drivers should expect some delays and are advised to leave additional time when planning any journeys.
Work is expected to be completed by 20 December, however, this will be dependent on the progress of the scheme and on favourable weather conditions.
For traffic information about this and other improvement schemes visit: www.trafficwatchni.com