A Sinn Féin activist in south Armagh has been warned of a significant threat from a criminal gang operating in the area.
Sinn Féin MLA Conor Murphy slammed those responsible and urged the PSNI to bring the gangs to justice.
“The home of a prominent Sinn Féin activist in south Armagh was visited by police this morning to make him aware of a threat from a criminal gang,” said Mr Murphy.
“This is outrageous. Sinn Féin members will not be intimidated from working to build a better society by sinister criminal elements who have nothing to offer but misery and suffering.
“Criminal gangs have no place in our society and there is a responsibility on the PSNI to do all in its power to shut them down and bring them to justice through the courts.
“Anyone with information on those responsible for this criminal activity should bring it forward to the police immediately.”