An area of outstanding natural beauty in south Armagh which would often take your breath away.
Unfortunately, its for the wrong reason this time as the Cloughinnea Road in Dromintee has been besmirched by unscrupulous fly-tippers.
SDLP Councillor Pete Byrne has condemned and reported the latest fly-tipping incident.
“Why people continue to use our area as their rubbish tip angers and confuses me,” said Councillor Byrne.
“Slieve Gullion is an area of outstanding natural beauty, an area we are all working hard to market as a tourist destination for people domestically and internationally.
“The forgotten duvet and the discarded sofa are hardly sights that travellers wish to stop and take in when enjoying the beauty of our area.
“On top of our weekly household refuse collection, our council area has two household recycling centres (Crossmaglen & Newtownhamilton) where all sorts of rubbish can be disposed of safely.
“Council also offers a bulky collection service where a crew will collect large items from your home to dispose of safely. There is simply no reason why anyone would have to dump rubbish at the side of a road.”
Councillor Byrne added: “If you have unwanted rubbish and unsure of how to dispose of it then contact your local Councillor and we will point you in the right direction of council services. I’ll even pick the items up myself rather than see them at the side of the road.
“There’s no excuse for fly tipping. We want to keep Slieve Gullion tidy and make our ‘one hundred thousand welcomes’ mean it.”