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‘Absolute disgrace’: Pothole plagued south Armagh road ‘not resurfaced in over two decades’

'I was travelling on this from the early 2000s, before I came to live here, and it has never been resurfaced'

Aghincurk Road in Newtownhamilton
Aghincurk Road in Newtownhamilton

A frustrated south Armagh resident has called for the relevant authorities to repair “what is left of” a local road which he says has not been resurfaced in more than two decades.

The Aghincurk Road at Newtownhamilton is blighted by dozens of deep craters along its length.

The situation has become so bad that the local resident contacted Armagh I in a bid to highlight the issue.

The man, who did not wish to be named, said that the road had only ever been subject to patchwork repairs of potholes.

But any attempted remedy to rid the road of ruinous craters are short-lived.

“It is an absolute disgrace,” said the resident. “And if and when they fill the potholes in, it becomes more bumpy because they never compact the tarmac.

“Then, within a week, the potholes reappear – plus more!”

The man is urging Roads Service officials to look into the matter and take action once and for all.

While the man lives on the Aghincurk Road now, he is forced to endure the dangers to vehicles – and himself – daily.

But even before that, he travelled along it frequently and cannot recall any substantive programme of restoration ever taking place.

“I have mobility issues which makes it impossible to walk on the road,” he added.

“But to fully appreciate the standard of the surface of this road is to actually drive on it.

“I was travelling on this from the early 2000s, before I came to live here, and it has never been resurfaced.

“It really is a disgrace and beggars belief.”

A Department for Infrastructure spokesperson said: “The Aghincurk Road is a rural low trafficked road and on the last recent inspection there were no surface defects that reached the threshold for repair. Some patching repairs were carried out on the road in 2023.”

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