A woman who stole over £200 worth of alcohol from a Co Armagh store in the same day must wait until later this year to learn her fate.
The 29-year-old attended the same store on two occasions in one day making off with alcohol to a total value of £208.
Zuzana Zigova, of Hoop Hill Park in Lurgan, pleaded guilty to three counts of theft at Craigavon Magistrates’ Court on Friday, via videolink from her solicitor’s office.
None of the facts in the case were heard, but the particulars outline that all of the offences occurred in January of this year.
On January 13, the defendant stole alcohol to the value of £69 and £139 from Tesco in Portadown.
Zigova returned to the store on January 17, this time stealing butter valued at £1.49.
District Judge Bernie Kelly stated that a presentence report was required in the case.
Zigova was released to return on October 1 to hear what her sentence will be.