Planning approval has been granted for the erection of a three-storey apartment block on vacant lands in Thomas Street, Portadown, with a total of nine apartments with verandas to be provided.
The site, immediate south west of 138 Thomas Street, will also include a gated courtyard accessed from Coronation Street with nine car parking spaces, cycle parking spaces, a single-storey refuse and recycling compound, and associated site works.
The planning application was lodged by Armagh Design, on behalf of William Hunniford, Charles Street, Portadown.
In their report, planning officers noted the following: the site is not located in an area zoned or designated for another use; the proposed development is not considered to result in the loss of an area or building of architectural or historic interest; there are no archaeological concerns; the site is not within a site of nature conservation; the development would not lead to a detrimental impact on residential amenity, traffic movement, or road safety; the access and parking arrangements have been considered and raise no concerns; the site appears to have historically been used for residential purposes and the adjacent lands are primarily residential.
Read: HMO on Portadown’s Thomas Street approved despite 103-signature petition objecting