Members of the public will soon be able to submit their own footage of careless drivers as police plan to introduce Operation Snap.
Operation SNAP enables members of the public to submit dash cam footage showing careless driving or riding.
It is currently operated by a number of police forces across England and Wales with offences disposed of through either the offer of a driver improvement course or a fixed penalty.
SDLP councillor Ciaran Toman has welcomed the plans which he believes will help keep cyclists safe on the roads.
“Road safety is everyone’s business,” said Councillor Toman. “We all have friends and family who we want to arrive home safely. We know the public find it frustrating when they see people who refuse to obey the laws of the road, putting others at risk through their inconsiderate driving and refuse to change their ways.
“I welcome the plans from the PSNI to improve safety for people who cycles through Operation Snap. Operation Snap is an effective way for law-abiding motorists and cyclists to notify the PSNI of dangerous drivers so they can take action before they cause a serious collision.
“Particularly in towns and villages where there is no cycling infrastructure in place to facilitate cyclists on our roads, this will be a welcome initiative to embrace this new technology that enables the concerned road user to help us positively influence driver behaviour.
“This initiative is an elegant solution which enables the police to process this vital data without wasting their scarce resources.
“Like so many positive initiatives across the north, Operation Snap will be reliant on additional funding being in place to carry out the work necessary and getting an Assembly and Executive up and running again to make the necessary legislative changes.
“It’s deeply frustrating that this important project could be left in limbo due to the DUP’s boycott, allowing dangerous drivers to escape unpunished and putting people at risk on our roads.”