Callous thieves have made off with a workman’s tools after emptying his van in Newry.
The incident happened in Newry at around lunchtime today (Monday).
And the owner of the tools – as well as police – have made appeals for help to catch the culprits.
This is the latest in a long line of such thefts, targeting the livelihood of hard-working locals.
The owner, JP Owens, has this evening shared CCTV footage which shows the two culprits in action.
In the video, they are seen emerging from their vehicle and approaching the van, just off camera.
Mr Owens made his appeal on social media.
He posted: “Today I was working at the Phoenix bar Newry. I parked my van across the road.
“My van was broken into at 11.30am 1/4/19 by two men that pulled up in a red car and cleaned her out.
“If anyone knows these men, the car or is asked to buy any power tools with J.P.O marked on them please let me know thanks.”
The video shows the men, after a couple of minutes, return to their vehicle.
One man loads the boot, while another places items in the passenger door side before walking around front, and getting in the driver’s seat. The other man then gets into the passenger seat and they drive away.
The PSNI in Newry also made an appeal via social media.
They said the van was parked on Water Street in the city, when the door was forced open and tools stolen between 9am and 3pm.
They urged the public: “Were you in the area? Did you see anything suspicious or have dash cam footage available? If so please make contact with police on 101 quoting ref CC780 01/04/19.”