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Sectarian abuse at Royal Black Preceptory parade in Newry branded ‘extremely concerning’

Stills from the footage of the incident, widely shared on social media

A councillor has described sectarian abuse at a Royal Black Preceptory parade in Newry as ‘extremely concerning’.

The UUP’s David Taylor, who was present at the time, released a statement following the incident that took place at a parade in the city on Saturday (August 31).

A video of the incident has also emerged on social media, taken during a parade by members of the Newry Royal Black District Chapter No. 4 on their return from the ‘Last Saturday’ demonstration in Killyleagh, Co. Down.

The footage appears to depict a number of people singing as the march processes down Trevor Hill, using the slurs, ‘black b****ds’ and ‘go on home British soldiers’.

Councillor Taylor said: “For many of us who have participated in parades in Newry over the years this has sadly been all too frequent an occurrence, however on Saturday evening past, the intensity of that abuse and the numbers involved was extremely concerning.

“The Protestant community in Newry and the wider district has offered nothing but a positive and enriching contribution to the social, economic and cultural fabric of the area over many generations. Indeed, my own family has been part of this community for generations.”

He also pointed to the contribution of Loyal Orders and bands in the area, saying that these organisations regularly participate in charity work.

“We therefore not only deserve but our entitled to be free to express our own cultural identity without fear of abuse or intimidation,” he continued.

“I am always conscious that our parades have many children participants who take great joy in playing with their bands and following the tradition of past generations of their family in embracing their culture and identity. It is therefore worrying and very sad that they should be subjected to this abuse at such a young age.”

Councillor Taylor added that a meeting is being sought with police to discuss what happened further.

“All we seek as a minority community is the protection any other would expect and we cannot tolerate any further what we were subjected too at the weekend past,” he said.

Cusher TUV councillor Keith Ratcliffe said he has written to the Chief Constable regarding the incident.

He said: “I have been approached by a number of people who were on the receiving end of this abuse who have asked me to raise the incident. They feel, as do I that there is little excuse for a lack of action by the police given that so many of those involved in this repulsive behaviour are clearly identifiable in the video.

“The restraint and dignity displayed by those on parade is the only reason why this incident did not turn even more ugly than it was.

“I write to inquire what police officers did on the day to address this matter and what action will now be taken against those who can, as noted above, clearly be identified in the video.”

The PSNI has been contacted for comment.

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