A Newry primary school is facing a bill of thousands of pounds after unscrupulous thieves stripped lead from its roof.
St Patrick’s Primary School has been left with a repair bill of almost £5,000 which will impact hugely on an already overstretched budget.
Thieves entered the school property around 2am on Tuesday and stole lead from the roof.
Sinn Fein MP Mickey Brady visited the school alongside his colleague Charlie Casey.
“This is not only a crime against this school, its pupils and staff, but against the community here who value this place of learning.”
Newry City Sinn Féin Councillor Charlie Casey expressed his anger and disgust.
“As a member of the Board of Governors of St Patrick’s Primary School in the Meadow I am absolutely disgusted at the actions of the criminal elements who have taken advantage of the Covid-19 closure of the school to strip lead from the roof of the school.
“At a time when Staff are working flat out to get the school ready for the return of the pupils, these criminals have struck. Their actions have angered and disgusted the entire community.
“The school’s limited and overstretched budget is being used to put in place measures to ensure a safe return to education for the pupils. This shameful and selfish act will impact on such resources.
“Anyone with any information please contact the PSNI or any school staff member.”