Two thieves made off with over £4,000 from a casino in Newry city centre on Saturday afternoon.

Police in the city are appealing for witnesses to the incident which happened in the Max Sports Casino on Margaret Street at approximately 1.45pm.
The two men were inside the casino at this time and while one distracted a staff member the other stole over £4,000 in cash from the business before running off into the direction of Hill Street.
These two males are described as following; first in his 40s with a shaved head, dark beard having swarthy skin and wearing a grey hooded top with blue jeans and white trainers; the second in the mid 40s of stocky build also with a beard wearing a dark cap, jacket and a t-shirt.
These thieves may have got away in a silver coloured car.
If you have any information that could assist with our ongoing investigation please get in touch by calling 101 and using the reference number 601 on 23/03/19.

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