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Councillors seek Newry carpark strategy amid business concerns

A cross party call for a Newry car parking strategy has been given no commitment for review amid council plan to scrap a free city centre parking zone.

Concerns over parking spaces have been raised as the city centre is due to undergo major development with a new council civic centre, theatre and public park all with in walking distance of each other.

Newry reps, Killian Feehan (SDLP) and Aidan Mathers’ (Sinn Fein) carpark motion is due to be considered by the council’s Strategic Finance Working Group (SFWG).

Council chairperson, Pete Byrne (SDLP) asked for a date of the next SFWG, though CEO Marie Ward could not provide a diary date to the chamber for a proposed meeting of the working group.

Cllr Feehan reading the motion, said: “This council recognises concerns in relation to car parking across the district.

“We call, therefore, for a new parking strategy to be developed by council for the district.

“This strategy should consider and prioritise, the provision of adequate levels of car parking for the district and the introduction of one hour free on-street parking in Newry.”

The motion also identifies the potential to develop council waste lands for parking.

Newry, Mourne and Down District Council (NMDDC) has recently lodged a plan for 300 pay and park spaces at North Street in the city.

The site is currently a free car park mainly used by local business employees in the city centre.

Cllr Feehan added: “The council should look at; the identification and evaluation of waste ground and sites currently owned by council that could be made available for car parking, park and share/ park and ride.

“Partnership working with government departments to explore the potential for development of bespoke car parking sites, including multi-storey facilities, where viable.

“The review of seasonal passes to ensure an affordable offering for local service users.

“A robust communication plan and engagement process with the public, including commuters, retailers, and business owners.”

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