Concerns are growing for the welfare of a missing Co Down teenager.
Fifteen-year-old Sean Carroll McClelland has gone missing from the Newry area and was last seen in Warrenpoint.
He is 5’8” tall, slim with short hair and was last seen wearing a navy Adidas hoody, grey tracksuit bottoms and green Nike trainers.
Any sightings please contact us on 101 and quote CC1456 of 26/08/18.
A PSNI spokesperson said: “Sean, if you see this, please make contact with your family or us to let us know that you’re safe.”

His mum Sharon Carroll, posting this morning said: “My son Sean has been missing all night, last known to be waiting for bus from Newry to Warrenpoint around 8:15, Sunday 26th August.
“If anyone has seen or heard from him plz Pm me. Police have just been and Sean was seen getting on to bus to Dublin with a young female around 8:30 yesterday police are getting in contact with Guards.”
Sean’s father Jason, commenting on social media, said: “I’m his father and I had to find this out for myself here on social media.
“He got on a bus apparently with a woman in her 30’s he was chatting to on snap chat heading for Dublin.”
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