A Northern Ireland council will not make any cuts to its Christmas illuminations plans despite revealing its festive electricity bill almost doubled this year.
The seasonal electricity costs for Newry Mourne and Down District Council (NMDDC) have been revealed to the Local Democracy Service following an FOI (freedom of information) request.
Due to the rising price of energy, the total NMDDC spend on electricity for Christmas lights has shot up from £7,199 in 2021/22 by almost 90% to £13,067.09 in 2022/23.
A council spokesperson said: “All arrangements for Christmas 2023 illuminations across Newry, Mourne and Down District Council will remain the same as last year.
“A report regarding the effect of rising energy costs was discussed at the Sustainability and Environment Committee on 21 March 2023.
“The report highlighted the effect of rising energy costs across all council services including the operation of Christmas lights and proposed a budget for the forthcoming year.
“The committee approved the report which was ratified by full council in April.”
The budget information mentioned above by NMDDC was held in confidential session away from the public and media as it dealt with information relating to financial or business affairs.