Sites have been identified for major social housing schemes to address urgent need in Co Armagh.
A series of meetings have taken place with Housing Executive officials to discuss ongoing concerns at the shortage of housing.
And now Sinn Fein MLA John O’Dowd and councillor Keith Haughian have pointed to progress having been made.
“There has been progress since our last meeting with sites identified for an extra 100 homes to be built in North Lurgan,” explained Mr O’Dowd.
“Whist this progress is to be welcomed what we now need to see is delivery. We need to see new high quality homes built without delay.
“We also raised the need for social housing for our rural communities as well.
“The Housing Executive have committed to identifying sites in rural communities.”

Councillor Haughian said a series of meetings have taken place with the Housing Executive on the need for more social housing but this was just the beginning.
“I welcome the progress made, but we are not going to let up until we secure the homes families and individuals so desperately need,” he explained.
“In the coming weeks and months Sinn Féin are going to step up its housing campaign.”