A Lurgan councillor has claimed residents of Drumna Walk and Hunters Lodge are feeling “abandoned”, years after moving into residential developments which have yet to be completed.
Speaking at Tuesday’s (August 27) ABC Council monthly meeting, Councillor Liam Mackle, the Sinn Féin representative for Lurgan DEA commented: “It’s just to make the point that the residents of the Drumna development and the nearby Hunters Lodge development feel abandoned by the Department, and I would propose that we would write to the Department, asking them is there a timeframe for when the developments will be completed out.
“Some people have been living there about five or 10 years, and there’s no roads, there’s no bins, there’s no lights and there’s non-stop roadworks on the Annesborough Road outside both developments.
“So I propose, if members were happy, we write to the Department to get a time frame around completion of those developments, and when the roadworks will be completed as well.”
The request was duly taken on board, and the ABC Council is to write to the relevant Department to obtain that information.