New part-time speed limits are to be implemented outside two schools within the borough.
They are among seven where the road safety initiative will be implemented by the Department for Infrastructure.
The new 20mph limit will be applied on the Ballynaskeagh Road, Banbridge, adjacent to Bronte Primary School.
And drivers using the Derrymore Road, adjacent to St Mary’s Primary School, at Gawleys Gate, Lurgan, will also have to slow down or face the penalty.
New legislation will reduce the national speed limit to 20 mph for a short time at the start and end of the school day, when pupils are arriving in the morning and leaving in the afternoon.
This will be for a distance of between 400 and 500 metres along adjacent roads in the vicinity of each school and will be enforceable by the PSNI.
A Department for Infrastructure spokesperson said: “Motorists should be aware of, and adhere to, the new arrangements in the vicinity of these schools.
“Lighting on the signs – wig wag lights – will advise motorists when the speed limit is in effect.
“These signs will remain off for most of the time but will light up at the start and end of the school day.”
The signage is currently being installed ahead of the scheme being implemented.
SDLP MLA Dolores Kelly welcomed the introduction of speed limits, especially outside St Mary’s.
“Only a number of weeks ago the SDLP called on the Department to take such action to ensure we could assist families and children to walk to school safely,” explained Ms Kelly.
“Today children have lost their open space in their neighbourhoods where they live and particularly on the roads which lead to their schools. Therefore, this announcement, whilst long over-due, is an extremely welcome development.
“I would encourage all motorists in the Derrymore area to familiarise themselves with and adhere to these changes.”
Other schools in the Ballygowan, Ballymoney, Coleraine, Donaghadee and Magherafelt will also see speeds reduced.
Installation of the required signage s currently underway.
The change will take effect from next Tuesday, September 18.