Two men armed with a hurling stick and set of tongs robbed licensed premises in the Old Portadown Road area of Lurgan on Wednesday evening.
Police are appealing for information following the incident at around 8.45pm on Wednesday evening.
It was reported that two males entered a licensed premises, one of whom was wearing a camouflage jacket with hood up, dark face covering and grey tracksuit bottoms carrying a set of tongs.
The other was wearing a navy and grey jacket, a dark face covering carrying a hurling stick.
Detective Sergeant Stewart said: “The individual with the tongs then hit a crate of wine with his weapon and then went to the till demanding all the money from it.
“They left on foot with a sum of money in the direction of Dingwell Park and Taghnevan drive.”
One of the suspects has since been arrested with robbery and possession of an offensive weapon with intent to commit and indictable offence. He is due to appear before Lisburn Magistrates’ Court on Friday, October 2.
As is usual procedure all charges will be reviewed by the Public Prosecution Service.
Enquires are ongoing and police would appeal for anyone who may have information to contact them on the non-emergency number 101.
Information can also be provided to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 which is 100% anonymous and gives people the power to speak up and stop crime.