A Co Armagh man has completed an exhausting 100-mile fundraising run in his garden in just over 25 hours.
And Marty ‘Chipper’ Campbell’s efforts will ensure more face shields can be provided to NHS staff and carers working on the frontline in the local area.
The Lurgan man began his challenge at 10pm on Friday night.
And he crossed the ‘finish line’ at 11.10pm on Saturday.
The total amount raised has still to be finalised but donations are still being accepted.
All money raised will go to the group NHS Faceshields Lurgan.
It was established by Allison Miller and she is thrilled that Marty decided to undertake this challenge in support.
She explained how the group came about.
Allison told Armagh I: “I make handmade gifts, fascinators, headpieces, wedding flowers and frames as a full-time job at my business Daisies Diamond and when Covid-19 became a pandemic I decided to try to make some face protection with some of my supplies I had at home.
“I made a video tutorial on how to make them and then it really took off and a lot of local people wanted to help so I started to fundraise to buy some supplies and local plumbing supplies donated too.
“I then set up the NHS Faceshields Lurgan group and it has been a huge success. Volunteers help to cut supplies and they are then collected from my driveway in packs of 100 and, when ready, carers and NHS, hospices, care homes and community care collect them directly from outside the volunteers’ homes.
“We are also working with Down Armagh Rural Transport who deliver large quantities for us.
“We have already made and distributed over 45,000.”
It is through the efforts of good folk like Marty Campbell that Allison and all of the volunteers can continue to provide these vital protective masks at this time.
Marty’s wife Denise said this is not his first madcap fundraiser and they all are so proud of him.
She told Armagh I :”Over the years he has run crazy miles with the biggest being 105 miles with his cousin through Donegal Mountains.
“He has previously done a lap of the lough – 87 miles – in which he and his cousin raised money for PIPS.
“He also recently did miles in the Last Man Standing race which took place in Castleward.”
Of course it is the support and the difference it makes to the worthy causes for which he takes part which help to drive Marty onward and upwards.
And he is hugely appreciative to everyone for getting behind him.
Added Denise: “Marty would like to thank everyone for all their support during the 100 mile run over the weekend, especially family, friends and neighbours.
“He is overwhelmed with the generosity of all the donations received and would like to thank every single person for their kind donations. It is greatly appreciated.”
Donations can still be made – check the poster for details on how to contribute.