Lurgan Rugby Club is hoping to build a new multi-million pound clubhouse and ground at Gibson’s Hill on the Gilford Road.
The club, which is currently located at Pollock Park, could be on the move with plans in the pipeline to build housing there.
As Armagh I reported last month, plans have been lodged for the development of 125 new homes and community centre on the grounds of Lurgan Rugby and Cricket Clubs.
The proposed residential development at Pollock Park will consist of a mix of detached, semi-detached, townhouses and apartments, as well as open space, equipped play area, walking track and internal road network. A pre-application notice was lodged on March 31 by Endeavour Building Ltd, which is based in Gilford.
Outlines of the proposed development area encompasses the entirety of the playing fields used by both clubs.
Now Lurgan Rugby Club is planning for the future and will shortly unveil its plans for a replacement venue.
It would be located on “lands at Gibsons Hill, east of Gilford Road, adjacent and south east of Nos. 180 and 182 Gilford Road, and adjacent and south of No. 164, Gilford Road, Lurgan”.
Like the housing planned for Pollock Park, a pre-application notice has been made in relation to future plans for the new sporting development at Gibson’s Hill.
It will comprise multi-purpose sports pitches, training pitches and a new clubhouse, with access to the venue from the Gilford Road.
There will also be floodlighting for pitches and the development will include car parking and coach parking to accommodate visiting teams.
The proposals, when brought forward, will also include landscaping and all associated site works.
Due to the current regulations, there will be no public drop-in event to view the exciting new proposals.
But these are to be made available for public viewing online for a period of four weeks, with a dedicated website – www.lurganrugbyendeavour.co.uk – due to go live from Monday, June 7.
Submissions will be taken into account to “help shape proposals”, before any formal planning application would be drawn up and submitted to Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council for consideration.
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