One of Donaghcloney’s most well-known industrial landmarks has entered the property market with ‘residential development potential’ for offers around £70,000.
Known as ‘The Old Cook House’, the two storey commercial property boasts Listed Building Status for its connection to Liddell’s Mill and the ‘wider late Victorian development of Donaghcloney as an industrial village.’
Perhaps most notably, the listing agent – Frazer Kidd – describes its externally intact 20th century single storey cricket pavilion as ‘an increasingly rare example of a sports pavilion from this era.’
The listing describes the two storey commercial property as comprising ‘three private offices, two small kitchen areas, two large open plan rooms, two storerooms and toilet facilities which all contribute to the total net internal area of circa 1,561 square feet.’
In recent years, the building has been utilised as a community space with modernisation allowing for the benefit of double glazed windows, plastered and painted walls, LED lighting throughout and gas heating.
Listed planning consent was granted for alterations to the listed building that would see the retention of front façade of listed building, de-construction of the remainder of the listed building and the salvaging of materials, and reconstruction using salvaged materials, to form five apartments and two town houses and related ancillary development.
The agent notes that for this development to take place it is ‘necessary to purchase a small piece of additional land which forms part of the larger site’.