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LETTER: Traffic wardens – the good side!

This was a letter forwarded to Armagh I outlining a positive act of generosity by a traffic warden. It read:

I had an experience in Armagh last Friday with a Traffic Warden that I would like to share with you and your colleagues.

Too often we moan about and castigate Traffic Wardens, myself included, but last Friday I experienced anexceptional act of generosity from a Traffic Warden on duty in Armagh City centre.

I was traveling from Longford to Belfast on business and I stopped off en route at the Dobbin Lane car park to do some shopping.

I went to put some money into the meter but realised that I did not have enough small change in sterling to feed the meter. I noticed that the Traffic Warden was doing her rounds and the fear of getting a Parking ticket featured strongly in my mind as this Traffic Warden appeared to be very efficient as she swiftly inspected each car in the parking lot.

I approached her to explain my predicament and request that she not give me a ticket and that I was going to get some change in a local shop. To be honest I was not expecting a positive outcome.

However, I was proved completely wrong by the act of understanding and generosity that followed.

She fully understood my situation and enquired as to how much change I had. I told her that I needed an additional 40 pence. To my utmost surprise she checked her pockets and gave me the 40 pence that I needed.

To say I was surprised by this act of generosity would be an understatement and seeing my expression of graduate and surprise she stated that not all Traffic Wardens are the same! Indeed they are not.

The Traffic Wardens name is Joanna and she is a credit to her profession and to Armagh and in my opinion she is a great Ambassador for Armagh City with her Generosity, Good Humour and Courtesy.

So next time you see a Traffic Warden going about their daily job, remember not all Traffic Wardens are the same!

Name and address provided.

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