Concerns have been raised by members of the public after a horse was killed in Dungannon.
The horse accessed the Carland Road – the main road between Dungannon and Cookstown – because of insufficient (or no) fencing along an adjoining field, leaving the animals with direct access to the road.
Earlier this month a horse had wandered out onto the road and was struck and killed. There are a number of horses still on the land.
At a recent Environment Committee meeting of Mid Ulster District Council, Councillor Clement Cuthbertson expressed his concerns.
The DUP representative for the Dungannon DEA commented: “A number of councillors, maybe particularly around Dungannon, would be aware or would have received calls in relation to an incident just outside the Cooktown Road where there was a horse killed, and I think maybe there [were] circumstances leading up to the issue.
“I was just going to ask the officer team to [clarify] what our responsibilities are in relation to collecting dead animals.
“I’m still receiving calls, there’s a number of horses still out on the land outside the Cooktown Road there, and I received a couple of photographs tonight showing very little wire or no fence along the A29 road, so there is a safety issue and unfortunately an action could happen again.”