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Which area in the ABC borough has the worst roads? Councillors couldn’t agree!

Potholes in the Keady area
Potholes in the Keady area

A debate on the state of the roads in the ABC Borough saw councillors humorously competing with one another over which DEA has the worst potholes, at Monday night’s (March 24) council meeting.

On a more serious note amid the good-humoured debate, all councillors supported a proposal to write to the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) Minister to flag up the issue of the state of the roads within the borough.

Cllr Tim McClelland (DUP) contended that the Lagan River DEA, which he represents, was the worst in the borough when it comes to the condition of the roads: “Members will know that my large rural DEA of Lagan River, from an historic point of view, had some of the worst roads within our borough, and especially within the Gransha ward, and for almost as long as I’ve been on council I’ve been lobbying DfI Roads to improve roads within the wider Lagan River DEA.

“I would have to say a huge thank you to local DfI officials, because thankfully quite a number of roads have had progress, and I’m thinking of Carnpark Road, Waringsford village, Kinallen Road, Fedney Road, to name a few.

“I suppose it can be summed up like this, ‘progress made, but much more to do’, particularly within Lagan River.

“I would conclude, Lord Mayor, by proposing that we or your good self write to DfI Southern Division to thank them for the progress that has been made within Lagan River DEA.”

Deputy Lord Mayor, Cllr Kyle Savage (UUP, Lagan River DEA) concurred with Cllr McClelland in that he felt a lot more needed to be done by way of road improvements: “I’m certainly happy to second that there, because [regarding] the roads mentioned there I think the majority of the councillors in Lagan River have been lobbying for them, even from Blackscull right across to Fedney Road, and so on and so forth.

“I’ve been approached by many of the residents along that. It’ll be good if we could get the ministers to start and step up to the mark, start to run their departments more efficiently, and start to deliver better roads for each and every one of us right across our widespread borough.

“We have the largest rural council in Northern Ireland. It’s great to thank people for doing their job, but they need to step up and continue to do more.”

The recommendation to send a letter to the DfI Minister was supported right across the council chamber.

Referring to a DfI Roads clinic held that afternoon, Cllr Ian Wilson (DUP, Banbridge DEA) said: “It’s welcome news that some areas have got a bit of progress on getting their roads done, but just to concur with other contributors there, much more needs done.

“I can safely say, if you went out to that DfI Roads Service clinic there this afternoon, the members were queueing up to raise issues with DfI and basically they feel as if they’re banging their heads against a brick wall.

“I and other colleagues that represent Banbridge DEA could rhyme off a dozen roads at least that are in a shocking state, and you just seem to be getting nowhere with it.

“One in particular is Newry Street in Rathfriland. If anybody tries to go up it, you need a four-wheel drive tractor to get up and down the road, it’s in that bad a condition. A welcome progress in some areas, but across the borough we really need a better service from DfI to improve our roads.”

Cllr Thomas O’Hanlon (SDLP, Armagh DEA) was initially light-hearted in his remarks, however frustration soon surfaced when he mentioned the state of some roads in the Armagh DEA: “For factual inaccuracies, Cllr McClelland refers to some of the worst roads in the country [as being] in parts of his DEA, well let me invite him to come to mine.

“And if you come via the Clay Road in Keady, or out into parts of Derrynoose, the potholes are so deep you have to blow your horn coming back up out of them, so somebody doesn’t drive over you.

“But also if you drive on the main Armagh-Newtownhamilton Road, has anyone ever tried going into Newtownhamilton village? It is just on the edge of this borough, and I tell you this, it’s a shame and disgrace anybody who calls themselves an MLA, a minister or anything from any party that are not standing up and shouting and roaring about the facilities in that area, because I tell you this, that road is a disgrace.”

Referring to Cllr McClelland, the SDLP representative added: “If this was a game of chess, I see his bad roads and I’ll show him a hell of a lot more in the area that I represent.”

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