Farrans Rampart in north Armagh and Loughaveely Road in south Armagh.
Two ends of the same county but that’s not the only thing the areas have in common.
They are both well-acquainted with late-night fly-tippers who use the cover of darkness to besiege the rural countryside.
And this weekend further highlighted the problem – and whether you’re a resident in the Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough, or Newry, Mourne and Down District, you’ll be paying for the clean-up!
A point highlighted by Craigavon SDLP Councillor Declan McAlinden who said it was the ratepayer footing the bill – again.
“This is a repeat of four weeks ago in Farrans Rampart and is totally unacceptable and disgusting,” Councillor McAlinden said of the mess pictured below.

Dumping at Farrans Rampart
“This has happened over these last few days and the person(s) involved should be ashamed of themselves by the way they are treating their own community and countryside.”
The situation was even more bleak close to the border in south Armagh.
Sinn Fein Councillor Aoife Finnegan said residents on the Loughaveely Road have been “tortured” with dumping.
Tonnes of toxic sludge from laundered fuel pods were left dumped next to a farmer’s field – blocking the entrance.

Toxic pods of laundered fuel waste found on the Loughaveely Road
“Farmers with blocked access to their fields and in fear of their livestock being poisoned by the toxic sludge from these cubes,” slammed Councillor Finnegan.
“Myself and [Councillor] Barra Ó Muirí have reported this to be lifted.
“It’s just not good enough. Residents of this road and neighbouring roads should not have to put up with this constantly on their doorstep.
“The costly removal of these cubes and the damage they cause is massive and needs to stop.”
It follows an alarming incident at Carrigatuke Viewpoint over the weekend, whereby suspected asbestos roofing was dumped at the roadside – bagfuls of the hazardous waste.
“I don’t think I’ve ever had as many messages over one issue before,” said Sinn Fein Councillor Brona Haughey. “So many locals are horrified at this most recent case of dumping.
“I reported this to Council and Forestry on Friday morning and advised that the material is likely hazardous, it will take a few days to hire a contractor who can clear this so please proceed with caution in the area.
“I will be meeting with Forestry and NIEA to try and stamp out dumping in this area once and for all. Enough is enough, the ratepayer cannot continue to foot the bill for these criminals time and time again.”