An outline planning application has been lodged with Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council’s planners seeking permission to build five new homes in Waringstown.
Lodged by agent Studio forty-four-Town and Country Planning, on behalf of applicant Alan Wilkinson, the application seeks outline approval for the demolition of a house at 19 Moss Road and the erection of five new housing units with a private access road and associated landscaping.
According to the application form, a similar application was submitted in 2018 for a proposed housing development to the rear of 19 Moss Road but the application was refused on August 23, 2019.
It also explains that the proposed development will see five, three-bed houses built on the site and provide 10 vehicle parking spaces, an increase on the proposed two spaces that exist on the site currently.
Water will be supplied to the site via the mains and surface water and foul sewage will be disposed of via the sewer network while the site is not in a known flood risk area.
A design and access statement accompanying the application notes the 0.228 hectare site is currently occupied by a “modest one and half storey dwelling” with an associated long rectangular garden area which extends to the rear and gently falls away towards the site’s south east boundary.
It also notes the principal land use in the vicinity is residential and comprises of a mix of two storey, one-and-a-half and single storey detached and semi-detached dwellings.
It goes on the note the outline development will, if plans come to fruition, “provide high quality dwellings of complimentary built form responding to local context and character” with external finishes that will be “simple and based on local context with tiled roofs and coloured smooth render to walls”.
Lodged and validated on February 9, the application’s neighbour consultation date expires on Wednesday, March 22 and its standard consultation period expires on Tuesday, March 28.
The application will be advertised until Friday, April 7.