At least six electric car charging points are to be installed at Craigavon Area Hospital for staff use.
The Southern Health Trust is currently in the process of providing the facilities.
It has indicated “a minimum of six” will be commissioned and ready for use by the end of the current financial year.
The information was provided by Health Minister Robin Swann in response to a question by Newry and Armagh DUP Assemblyman William Irwin.
He provided a breakdown of what was available for staff use in terms of electric charging infrastructure.
All but the Western Trust either have – or are in the process of developing – charging points for their staff.
In relation to the Southern Trust, it does not intend to limit the introduction of charging points to Craigavon.
As Minister Swann explained: “They are also looking at the feasibility of installing other points at main sites and currently assessing available electrical infrastructure and capacity.
“The Trust hope to be in a position to install charges points across more sites in 2022/23.”
The Belfast Trust provides five electric vehicle charge points for both patient and staff use – two at Belfast City Hospital, two at Musgrave Park Hospital and one at the Mater Hospital.
The Northern Trust implemented a pilot scheme at Antrim Area Hospital, with two electric vehicle charge points installed, solely for staff use. Such was the success of this scheme that further charge points are currently being rolled out across the estate, with completion during the 2021/22 financial year.
The South Eastern Trust provides two electric vehicle charge points with two chargers each at Ards Community Hospital, with one charger and two charging points at both Lagan Valley Hospital, and Downe/Downshire Hospitals, and three charges, each with two charging points, at the Ulster Hospital.
And according to Mr Swann, a further 15 charging units are now available which the Trust intends to use in conjunction with the purchase of electric fleet vehicles for use by responding operational community nurses.
The Western Health Trust currently has no electric vehicle charging points available for staff on any sites.
But it has been working on a proposal that involves both moving towards electric vehicles for the Trust’s transport fleet and supporting staff with charging points for their own vehicles.
In relation to the charging points for staff the Trust is working through issues in relation to how best to manage this “whilst dealing with any revenue/taxable benefit in kind implications”.
Added Minister Swann: “The Trust has recently purchased its first two electric vehicles as part of the Trust’s transport fleet and has installed two charging stations in the transport compound to support these.”